Accommodation with breakfast
Accommodation in comfortable rooms in the city center with beautiful view.
Do you prefer international or Czech cuisine? You don’t have to decide right now. Our buffet menu features both every day. In the morning you will be pleasantly surprised by the wide range of our breakfast buffet. At lunchtime and in the evening you can enjoy a hearty schnitzel or delicious Italian pasta with a fresh salad.
You will find the restaurant on –1 floor next to the adjacent summer terrace. It is open to all friends of good dining, not only hotel guests.
Table reservations are exclusively for full board guests.
Summer terrace
You will hardly be able to resist the temptation of our summer terrace which offers a view of the meandering Teplá River, the riverside of the Thermal Hotel as well as the park of Dvořákovy Sady on the opposite bank of the river. It’s a great place to have a refreshing Pilsner Urquell, lemonade, coffee or a glass of excellent Moravian wine. The enticing smell of meat and vegetables from the grill may seduce you into ordering something more or you can just enjoy a cake or dessert prepared by our pastry chefs.
The evenings during the season are accompanied by live music so that you can make sure you haven’t forgotten the steps to your favourite songs.
It’s time for an afternoon cup of coffee? For a short meeting with your colleagues or just a quick break after your travel to Karlovy Vary? Our stylish lobby bar, decorated with pictures of movie stars, is located just next to the reception. It is hard to guess what you will like more – whether the view of the city, the prefect service or the wide range of refreshments.
Bite into a burger or a crispy baguette, enjoy the various desserts from our pastry chefs or have a shot of liquor. Have you tried the traditional “thirteenth spring” of Karlovy Vary yet?
Accommodation in comfortable rooms in the city center with beautiful view.
Choose Karlovy Vary for your weekend stay and stay at Hotel Thermal. Relax in the hotel's indoor wellness, to which you have unlimited access, or discover the charm of the spa promenades. Warm up your body in the outdoor pool or visit the sauna world of Saunia Thermal Resort. The offer is also valid during the week.
Do you like comfort and panoramic views? The modern, renovated Superior Rooms offer both. Stay in the very heart of Karlovy Vary and enjoy your stay at the hotel of movie stars.
Hotel Thermal zahajuje realizaci vzdělávacího projektu svých zaměstnanců formou série vzdělávacích aktivit, které mají povzbudit v zaměstnancích motivaci k dalšímu rozvoji. Cílem projektu je posílení profesionality zaměstnanců, jejich komunikačních schopností, odborných znalostí a dovedností a míří také k podpoře adaptace starších zaměstnanců na rychle se vyvíjející požadavky.
Projekt je spolufinancován z Evropského sociálního fondu plus prostřednictvím Operačního programu Zaměstnanost plus.
Reg. č. projektu: CZ.03.01.03/00/23_047/0003770
Příjemce podpory: THERMAL-F, a.s.
Podpora z Evropského sociálního fondu plus dle právního aktu: 3 829 285,22 Kč
Cílový počet zapojených zaměstnanců: 120 (z toho 30 osob ve věku 55+)
Enjoy unlimited access to the Saunia Thermal Resort - open-air swimming, sauna rituals or thermal bath in the pool overlooking the city - anytime, even after check-out - included in one of our three stays: Hotel Thermal & Saunia, Beauty Days or Thermal & Vary & Wellness.
more informationSpecial offers - SPA HOTEL THERMAL ****, Karlovy Vary
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